W.H.A.T. - Info from ESF-PCL

The activities of the WHAT web site was financially supported by the European Science Foundation Programme Protein Cross-Linking - the ESF Transglutaminases Programme (PCL).

In this page we offer you information about ESF - PCL activities.

June 2002

ESF-PCL Workshops - 4th Call for Proposals

The ESF Transglutaminase programme "Protein-Cross-Linking" invites proposals from potential organisers of workshops to be held in late 2002 / early 2003, on topics with a clear connection to the programme. Priority will be given to workshops taking place in countries that financially support the Programme: (Belgium, Finland, Germany, Hungary and Italy). The list of participants should indicate a clear European dimension and include 20-30 scientists. The Protein Cross-Linking Programme may award up to three such workshops, with financial support of up to 15 kEUR per workshop. Applicants are expected to apply for additional funding for their proposed workshop from other sources.

More information: ESF - PCL web site

ESF-PCL Travel Grants - 4th Call for Applications

As part of the European Science Foundation Transglutaminases Programme's activities, travel grants are being offered to enable young scientists / researchers working in the field of transglutaminases research to travel to a laboratory in another European country for a period of up to six months. Travel grants for young scientists will be granted for a period of one to six months while travel grants for senior scientists will be granted for a period of one week to one month.

More information: ESF - PCL web site